Adventures in Mother Nature’s Gym The Business Workbook



outdoor fitness retreat

With her book series Adventures in Mother Nature’s Gym, Melanie Webb has created the definitive guide to helping others reclaim the instinctive, wild, and essential aspect of the human experience through outdoor adventure. The Business Workbook provides all the tools required to break free from the hourly confines of the indoor studios and earn even more money doing what you love—sharing your passion for the active lifestyle with others.

DEPARTURES Magazine calls Melanie “The person to call for guided travel” for good reason. The founder of Sol Fitness Adventures and luxury wellness retreat label WebbWell, Melanie is recognized as a leader in the adventure travel industry and an innovator in outdoor fitness retreats. Her work is at the cutting edge, paving the way for others to discover that fitness is more than just a gym workout—it’s a way of life.

“One of the Top Trainers in the industry.”
– The Sports Club/LA, Washington, D.C. (Now Equinox)

Ready to get started?
Check out the complete book on Amazon.
AMAZON Paperback Kindle E-Book